4WD eXplorer
Four wheel driving and steering vehicle with Suspension System
4WD eXplorer is a ROS wheeled ackermann steering mobile robot (WMR) which can be used for a large variety of applications such as for farming or agricultural plant monitoring and to speed up your robotics research! As with our other platforms, it is possible to easily add your own sensors or you can ask us to integrate them for you depending on your requirements. Usually, 4WD eXplorer is equipped with 360° Laser Sensor, RGB-D camera, motor encoders, current sensors and RTK GPS able to provide a very high accuracy for autonomous guidance in agricolture. Thanks to its 10 inches off-road wheels, it can be used both for indoor and outdoor applications and its high payload allows the users to add additional devices and laptops. Moreover, it provides several power output in order to connect multiple devices. The large ground clearance lets the vehicle to overcome obstacles like rocks and debris. This wheeled mobile robot (WMR) is electric, powered by two fully isolated AGM Batteries and it integrates a passive suspension system in order to minimize vibrations over sensors like cameras or LiDARS on rough terrains.